
A Estranha Vitória do Kremlin


Recebi esta pérola de apresentação de mais um número da notável revista Foreign Affairs de que me limito a traduzir a parte final "Em vez de tentar mudar Putin, os Americanos terão de se mudar eles próprios":

The Kremlin’s Strange Victory

How Putin Exploits American Dysfunction and Fuels American Decline

By Fiona Hill

When the Soviet Union collapsed, many observers hoped that Russia would slowly but surely move toward something resembling U.S.-style liberal democracy. “By the late 1990s, it was clear that such an outcome was not on the horizon,” Fiona Hill writes in a new essay. “And in more recent years, quite the opposite has happened.”


Vladimir Putin recognized the shift. The Russian president “realized that despite the lofty rhetoric that flowed from Washington about democratic values and liberal norms, beneath the surface, the United States was beginning to resemble his own country,” with “populism, cronyism, and corruption [sapping] the strength of American democracy,” notes Hill, who served on the National Security Council in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump. Because the two countries have grown so similar, traditional methods cannot remove the threat Russia poses to the United States. Rather than trying to change Putin, “Americans will have to change themselves.”



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